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Topics - Jim Cummings

Pages: [1]
How To and Technical Information / Lionel OO 5342 Headlamp Bulb
« on: April 07, 2021, 02:00:41 PM »
I've searched everywhere, but cam e up empty. 

Anyone know the bulb number or voltage for the 5342 headlamp?  The one that came with the engine is burned out.  It is ink stamped '18' followed by what appears to be a triangle.  An 18V bulb seems rather high.

Thanks again.

Jim Cummings


I got a 3-rail Lionel OO scale engine and tender.  On the tender I cleaned the commutator and brush tubes and adjusted the relay and it works fine.  The engine is another story.  I cleaned its commutator and brush tubes and got the motor running very smoothly.  However, the eunit isn't working.  I can manually move the pawl and get the motor to reverse, but it doesn't work by dropping the power off and on as I would expect.    FULL DISCLOSURE - this is my first attempt at working on an OO gauge eunit.

Since the arm doesn't lift/move to engage the gear at all, I am thinking it has to be an electric issue...or, perhaps there is something I failed to clean!  The eunit reminds me of the old standard gauge manual reversing units.  There's got to be an electrical field(?) created to lift the arm and pull the pawl back which pulls the gear to go from f-n-r; and then the arm just falls until the next power change.

Does anyone have a wiring diagram they can share.  Or, hoping for a 'here's what you gotta do, duh'!!

Thanks in advance.

Jim Cummings

PS I'm new to the forum...

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