Discussion Boards > Collector Corner

1941 Gimbels Freight-Passenger set #7130


 Tremendous play value for any kid @1941..the oddball in his set is the #655..it has a Tuscan roof/cream side--nickel plates!(always seen rubberstamped with Tuscan roof).. and the 259 loco cardboard insert for the cab..I've only seen 2 of these in 40+ years..









That’s super nice.

What's with the cardboard rings? I thought the Lionel boxes with the coupler protection flaps removed the need for the rings. I have a bunch of those rings around here that came with Lionel train sets. I might have thrown them out when I moved, but I bet they are in a box somewhere. They are different than the flyer rings used on the later S gauge passenger cars - I think smaller diameter.

the loco had one on the front headlight and along with the insert in the cab, kept it nice and snug in its liner..the tender just on the front drawbar..

That's a sharp outfit!


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